
April 2024

Press Release: SparCity Project Concludes with Notable Achievements and Lasting Impact

The SparCity project has issued its second and final press release, offering a detailed account of the project’s accomplishments and contributions to the field of high-performance computing. The press release outlines the successful optimization of sparse computations and the impact of the project’s open-source tools and research findings. Interested parties can access the press release on the SparCity project website to gain insights into the project’s outcomes and its lasting legacy in the scientific community.

March 2024

EuroHPC Summit 2024: The SparCity project was prominently featured in one of the poster sessions at the EuroHPC Summit held in Antwerp, Belgium, from the 18th to the 21st of March. Osman Yasal from the ParCoreLab team presented the project’s innovative optimization and co-design framework for sparse computations, showcasing the contributions of the SparCity team to the field of high-performance computing (HPC). Dr. Are Magnus Bruaset, one of the SparCity project members, was also in attendance, further representing the project’s collaborative efforts and achievements.

Advisory Board Meeting: On March 15, 2024, we conducted our Advisory Board Meeting to discuss the progress of our project, the steps needed for its finalization, and the results achieved so far. This meeting provided a valuable opportunity for feedback and guidance from our board members, helping us to ensure a smooth completion and meaningful impact of our work.

Webinar: On 7 March 2024, the SparCity team, composed of Sinan Ekmekcibasi, Santiago Ledesma Frazão de Barros Quintas, Beyza Cavusoglu, and Kamer Kaya, hosted a webinar to introduce SparseBase and SparseViz, innovative tools developed for processing and visualizing sparse data structures.

Gebze Technical University Talk: On March 1, 2024, Dr. Didem Unat, the Coordinator of SparCity project, delivered an invited talk at Gebze Technology University. In her presentation, Dr. Unat delved into the intricacies of software development for supercomputers, providing a glimpse into the cutting-edge technologies shaping the field.

February 2024

Webinar: On February 22, 2024, SparCity Project hosted an engaging online seminar titled “SuperTwin: A Digital Twin for HPC Systems,” attracting 22 attendees. This event, part of the SparCity initiative supported by EuroHPC-JU, showcased the innovative SuperTwin ecosystem, designed to enhance High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems.

Luk Burchard’s visit: From February 12 to 15, 2024, ParCoreLab at Koç University in Istanbul was honored to host Luk Burchard from Simula Lab for a research visit. During his stay, Luk delivered an insightful talk, sharing his expertise and recent findings with the ParCoreLab team and the wider university community. This visit not only facilitated valuable discussions and knowledge exchange but also strengthened the collaboration between Simula Lab and ParCoreLab, setting the stage for future joint research endeavors in high-performance computing.

January 2024

In-person Meeting: From 22 to 24 January, the SparCity members joined together in the Leibniz Supercomputing Center in Munich for a three-day meeting to share and discuss the progress made on each work package and plan the last activities before the closure of the project.

On the second day, the SparCity team visited the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre to compute cube / HPC and quantum computing systems.

The EuroHPC Projects Shaping Europe’s HPC Landscape Workshop was held at HiPEAC 2024 in Munich on January 17, 2024.
Osman Yasal from Koç University and SparCity Project presented the latest updates on SuperTwin. Prof. Didem Unat and the PI of the ADMIRE project,
Prof. Jesus Carretero Perez, organized this event who had more than 35 attendees.

November 2023

The SparCity Workshop on Future is Sparse, co-located with SC23, was held on November 17 in Denver!
We would like to thank the speakers: Professors John Owens, Richard Vuduc, Hartwig Anzt and Tal Ben-Nun, for the wonderful talks. We also want to thank all the participants who joined us during this half-day to discuss the latest research developments and outline major open problems in the field of HPC and AI.

SparCity team members presented their work in SuperComputing23, Denver, Colorado from November 12-17, 2023.

September 2023

The SparCity PI Didem Unat will give a talk about “Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges: Advancing Gender Equality in Academia” tomorrow at the Annual EUGAIN Workshop collocated with ACM’s womENcourage 2023 Conference in Norway!

August 2023

Co-located with Euro-Par, in Limassol, Cyprus, we had our Workshop on Tools for Data Locality, Power and Performance. We featured a tool demo of Digital SuperTwin developed within this project.

June 2023

We got two papers accepted to appear at the SC Conference Series program!

On June 15 and 16, the SparCity members joined together in Lisbon for a two-day Meeting to share and discuss the progress made on each work package and plan the upcoming months.

SparCity was present at the EuroHPC Collaboration Meeting in Turin on June 6-7 to discuss the collaboration plans raised among projects (joint workshops, BoFs and publications). Prof. Didem Unat presented the SparCity project and its latest results.

May 2023

Prof. Didem Unat, Dr Are Magnus Bruaset and Dr Sara Tanqueiro were present at the ISC High Performance 2023. This international conference and exhibition foster the growth of a global HPC community of technology providers and users. Prof. Didem presented the SparCity project at the EuroHPC Booth.

Prof. Didem Unat gave a similar seminar about SparCity and other projects at the Student Club at Middle east technical University.
This initiative included 30 students.

Prof. Didem Unat gave a Seminar about SparCity and other projects at the HPC Student Club at Istanbul Technical University.
This initiative included 20 students.

Prof. Paul Kelly from Imperial College London and one of the SparCity SAB members visited Koç University for a couple of days. Prof. Didem Unat’s team had the chance to present our project, among others, and discuss several ideas and ongoing steps.

March 2023

The SparCity project was represented at the EuroHPC Summit in Gothenburg, Sweden. At this Summit, members from all areas of the European HPC community, from researchers to industry to decision-makers, congregated to share in discussions about the state of play of European HPC, its achievements and European priorities going forwards. Dr Johannes Langguth from Simula Research Laboratory presented the project in an oral communication and a poster session.

February 2023

Didem Unat gave a webinar “Supercomputing Software for Moore and Beyond” at the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing.

January 2023

On 16 January, the MLOpt 2023 Workshop was held in Toulouse, co-located with HiPEAC 2023. This workshop was organized by SparCity (Karl Fuerlinger, LMU Munich, Germany) and  DComEX (George Stavroulakis, NTUA, Greece) and had around 20 participants. It was a great opportunity to discuss the usage of ML techniques on high-performance and parallel computing platforms.

December 2022

Congratulations to our project coordinator! Prof. Didem Unat was awarded with the 2021 Scientist of the Year Award by Bilim Kahramanları Derneği.

November 2022

Erhan Tezcan, our team member from Koç University, won the SBAC-PAD 2022 Best Paper Award with his Mixed and Multi-Precision SpMV work. Congrats Erhan!

October 2022

Didem Unat, the SparCity Coordinator, delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 2nd European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI), hosted by TCSanayi and TÜBİTAK in Antalya! Let’s build a future that ensures girls have the same opportunities as boys.

On 14 October, we had our first meeting with the Advisory Board. It was a very efficient and successful session to reflect on the project’s overall status and discuss the main achievements accomplished so far.

Didem was selected for this year’s Bilim Kahramanları Derneği Young Scientist Award! Congratulations, Didem!

September 2022

On 19-20 September, the first EuroHPC19 Workshop was held in Madrid with members of the other 9 projects funded under our EuroHPC Joint Undertaking to seed and foster collaborations across Europe.

Between 1-3 September, team members of the different SparCity partners met – for the first time in person – in Istanbul to present and discuss the developed work in each work package. It was a very productive meeting with lively discussions!

July 2022

On 13th July, we had an administrative meeting to improve SparCity webpage and repository.

PIs and administrative staff met online on the 8th of July to discuss relevant aspects of the project ( in-person and review meetings, the collaboration meeting in Madrid, the structure of the Advisory Board and the next deliverables).

The consortium meets regularly. On the 1st of July, we had another technical meeting to discuss the latest advances in the project.

June 2022

A technical meeting was held on the 3rd of June to present WP updates.

May 2022

On 20th May, the remaining work package leaders (WP4, 5, 6 and 7) presented their progress.

April 2022

On the 29th of April, the SparCity consortium participated in the fourth technical meeting and work package leaders presented their progress (WP1, 2 and 3)

March 2022

Koç University was deemed worthy of the “Most Successful Institution Award” by TÜBİTAK within the scope of “Horizon 2020”, one of the largest innovation and research programs in the world. Congratulations, Didem!

We had our fourth administrative meeting, on the 4th of March, to prepare the deliverables to be submitted in the next few months.

January 2022

On 27th January, we had our third administrative meeting to prepare the deliverables to be submitted in the next few months.

November 2021

The third technical meeting was held on 5th November and Koç University, INESC-ID, Simula and Sabanci shared their ongoing work related to the SparCity project.

October 2021

On 26th October, we had our second administrative meeting to prepare the next deliverables, brainstorming about the SparCity framework, working group meetings and collaboration plan.

September 2021

Participation in the Euro-Par 2021 projects session: European Initiative Projects Towards Exascale Computing.

SparCity Coordinator, Dr. Didem Unat, is the 2021 ACM SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing award winner!
Read more here.

August 2021

IPU Onboarding Session.
Target: All potential users of the IPU system in the SparCity consortium.

Participation in the COLOC workshop, Euro-Par 2021.

July 2021

A technical meeting with e-Processor, one of the 10 EuroHPC granted under the same call, was held on 13th July to define the work packages of the collaboration plan.

June 2021

Participation in ISC High Performance 2021.

On 23rd June, the consortium gathered in a meeting to discuss the initial SparCity Innovation Plan, in which the methodology and the tools for tracking the maturation of the project’s innovations towards the exploitation phase were described.

May 2021

On 31st May, the second technical meeting was held to hear from GraphCore, Sabanci University and LMU.

On 26th May, we had our first administrative meeting to prepare non-technical deliverables (innovation, communication, collaboration, and data management plan).

The 10 EuroHPC granted under the same call were gathered to start cooperating to establish a collaboration plan and work together on 4th May.
The mini-workshop to introduce the projects was held on 25th May.

The first technical meeting joint PIs, students and administrative staff on 3rd May. Koç University, INESC-ID and Simula Research Laboratory AS presented the ongoing work related to the SparCity project.

April 2021

Project Press Release:
SparCity: the new collaborative project to create a supercomputing framework.

Launch of the SparCity Website and Social Media (Twitter and LinkedIn).

On 1st April the Kick-Off Meeting of SparCity project was held online with participants including PIs and staff administrative from the consortium.